Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 1

Day 1: A Photo of Yourself and a Description of How Your Day Was

This photo was taken by my wonderful husband when we were on our 5th wedding anniversary trip to California. It's probably my favorite picture of myself!

My day was pretty lazy today (I've got to stop doing that)! I watched the latest episode of Sons of Anarchy and watched some of Season 2 of Scandal (my new favorite show)! Then I talked to my best friend for a bit, which was super nice. She also distracted me from wanting to take a nap. I also worked on homework today, although not as much as I should have. Ah well. I'll do more tomorrow.

It'll be bed time for me soon. I'm going to try and get in bed earlier tonight because I would like to try and start getting up earlier in the mornings. Right now I'm sleeping in until 9 or 10. It will be hard for me get up earlier in the mornings because I am not a morning person whatsoever; although, would be nice to be productive in the mornings right away.

OH! I received my field experience placement today for teaching. The teacher I'll be working with seems super friendly (it would be nice if she's closer to my age too)! My first day with her and her classes are in a couple weeks. I'm super excited for this!

Well, I need to go, blog universe. Until tomorrow . . .
