Sunday, September 26, 2010

Despite the Setbacks

Eric and I had a wonderful anniversary vacation! Our car may have broken down, we may have had to spend a huge chunk of money on a rental car, my cell phone may have gotten busted up, and my neck may have gotten injured, but it was SO amazing to be able to go on vacation and have some "us" time with my husband.

Like last year, we stayed at The Hotel Alyeska and loved every minute of it! We went mountain biking on Friday and Tuesday and it was an absolute blast. It may have been all uphill the first 2.5 miles, but it was SO worth it on the way back. We also went swimming a bunch and that was something we hadn't done together before either. It was a blast.

On Saturday, we went drove to Seward and went on our 6 hour Glacier Cruise. It was a LONG 6 hours! While it wasn't necessarily worth the money we paid for it, if we hadn't gone on the cruise, we would have probably never gotten to see humpback whales and a glacier breaking apart. The Glacier was the most surreal experience ever! It is something I will never forget! 

We ended up staying a day longer and I'm glad we did. We got the extra time together and that was wonderful. I really wish we could have stayed there forever! I'm sad we won't get to on this vacation next year because we'll be PCSing. 

Anyway - I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post on here. I've been incredibly busy with school, so, sadly, my writing is at a standstill and my pleasure reading is too. I have had the urge to write some in my book, so hopefully I'll be able to find a spare moment soon! Winter's approaching so I'll be in more and may have more time for these things!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 2: Your Crush

Today is the second (even though it's not consecutive) day of the 30 Day Letter Challenge and the letter for today is to my crush. Wonder who that might be?

Dear Eric,

I really can't call you my crush anymore, because, well, I had a crush on you in middle school. You were just the hottest thing ever, but we're not in middle school; in fact, eight years later, we're married! So, I have to say that my crush for you developed into loving you more than anything. You are so much more than my husband though, you're my best friend in the entire world and my soul mate. I am reminded almost every day, at least in some way, why I want to spend the rest of my life with you and why you complete me.

I want to thank you always being there for me, through thick and thin. We've had our ups and downs, but in the long run, we've become such a strong couple and nothing could ever tear us apart.  Thank you also for being the wonderful man you are! There are just so many things that I admire about you: the way you "man up" about your job (yeah, I'd so react different and complain all the time), you work hard and you almost never miss a day of work. I also love how you help me around the house and are patient with me. Those are just a few of the things.

I really look forward to the rest of our life together! I couldn't imagine spending it with anyone but you!

I love you, babe!
Forever and Ever!
I promise!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 1: Your Best Friend

Today is the first day of the 30 Day Letter Challenge and the letter for today is to my best friend, Steph!

Dear Steph,

You are one of the most amazing people I know and although we've only met in person once (and it was just for five minutes), we have become the best of friends and I feel like I've known you for more than just two ywear. You're always there for me and even though we may not see eye-to-eye sometimes (actually, we don't have views that different from each other; we share a brain practically), I can still be utterly truthful with you and  vice versa. I don't have to worry about hurting your feelings and you hating me; I can be blunt and you'll still love me and still think of me as your best friend. I think that's one of my most favorite things about you!

You're also getting married next year! I'm so sad that I might not be able to be there or be in the wedding, but you know I'll be there in spirit and that I wish I could be there in person.I wish you and Jon the best of luck in life and many years of happiness!

I hope some day that we finally get to spend more than five minutes hanging out. That is way overdue! So are pictures! Who knows, if Eric cross-trains we, may end back in the lower 48 after his training and will be close to you. That would be nice!

I'm sad we haven't really talked much lately, but we're both super busy. Hopefully we'll get into the grind of things soon and we'll be able to talk more!

I love you girl. You're like a sister to me and I'm so lucky to have you in my life!

I can't wait until we're old and living next to each other with our pink and blue flamingos in our yard ;-) That was you wasn't it?! I'll feel dumb if it wasn't. LOL.


Monday, September 6, 2010

30 Day Letter Challenge

Today, I ran across this thing called the "30 Day Letter Challenge," and basically you're given a list of 30 letters you are to write for 30 days. Now, you could opt to actually send these letters, but for the most part, I believe you're supposed to post these letters to your blog. So, starting tomorrow, that is what I'm going to do for the next 30 days. This should be interesting. =]



Friday, September 3, 2010

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games, as seen in the picture, was written by Suzanne Collins. The story takes place in the nation of Panem (also known as the Capitol) and it's 12 districts, located in what used to be the United States. There was also a thirteenth district but it was obliterated after it's people held a rebellion against the Capitol . As a result, every year, two children from each district, a boy and a girl, from the ages of twelve and eighteen, are chosen to participate in what is called The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games, which is a fight to the death battle between twenty-four children shown on live television throughout the nation, was created to keep the districts in check and is a way for the Capitol to show their control over the districts. But most of all, the Games are a warning to the districts to show them what the Capitol is capable of if another district were to rebel again.

In steps Katniss Everdeen, a sixteen year old girl from District 12 who stepped forward to take her younger sisters place in the Games. Will Katniss prevail and win the games for the first time in thirty years for her district? Or will she become another victim in the Games? Are her survival instincts strong enough to let her win and return to her life in District 12 and live quite comfortably for the rest of her life?

The Hunger Games is a story about life, humanity, love, loss, murder, deceit, suffering, and most of all, strength among adversity.

Let me just say that I have officially found a new series that I love! At first I could not get sucked into this book whatsoever. Honestly, I was very terrified that I would be the one person out of a lot of people I know who would not like the series. However, about 100 pages in, and it is a very fast read, I found myself loving it. I teared up in some parts, especially the ending. The book made me mad in some parts, but completely compelling in its entirety. I highly recommend this book! I cannot wait to read the rest of the series!

What I found most intriguing about this book is the fact that the very situation described in the book, could very well happen. There could be a time where the United States is no more and instead, a harsh and cruel Capitol could almost rule a bunch of smaller cities or districts.

I hope you all take the time to check this series out! It is definitely one you do not want to pass up!

Next Novel:
Book 2 in The Hunger Games Trilogy: Catching Fire.


Thursday, September 2, 2010


Well, it's been a while since I've posted so I figured an update was way overdue. =]

I've been SO busy lately it's been insane! I had my colonoscopy and it went well! No problems whatsoever. I'm glad it's over. I definitely don't want to drink the prep stuff EVER again! It is utterly disgusting! The actual procedure part was a piece of cake.

Since then, I've been busy enjoying the short break I've had from school! I've gotten into scrap booking, which I love! I'm better at it than I thought I was, but I think that's due in part to Brittany and her guide books! ;-) Brittany and I have also been hanging out and started movie days together. We have this pile of movies to watch and I'm looking forward to them. She and I have also started going to the gym together, well we started and then life got busy. But we're starting again this upcoming Tuesday and I'm excited for that!

I've also been busy with the ESC! We've been planning some fundraisers to discus at this month's meeting and the social's were doing! I'm very excited to be involved in the ESC. I don't know why I ever waited so long!

I haven't been doing much writing though. I've been too busy enjoying time with my friends and what little bit of summer we have left! I did have to change some things around concerning one of my characters, which also meant that outlines/planning had to be redone for the last half of the book. I'm not sure how I like it so far, but we'll see. Things always change when I start writing.

As far as reading goes, I'm currently reading the series called The Hunger Games! At first I couldn't get  into it, but then I got sucked in and I LOVE the series! In fact, I'm going to go buy the books tomorrow! =] I can't wait to post on them!

Lastly, my classes for the fall semester are starting to begin.  On Tuesday my Seminar in Shakespeare Studies and Introduction to Security Management classes will begin Then on the 20th of September, my Novel in America Since 1914 and Medical and Legal Investigations of Death classes will begin. And, finally, on October 10, my Modern Poetry class will begin. As the semester rolls on, it will be more difficult to post and work on my book, but I will do as much as I can and post as often as I can! 