Sunday, January 30, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 3

Day 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

Ah! I'm so sorry I kind of fell behind on my posts. Last Monday, my dog, Chevy, headbutted me and I suffered a cornea abrasion. I was practically blind all week. I'm doing better, but my vision hasn't improved. I have a follow up appointment for that tomorrow. But now I should be able to post blogs everyday. =]

This post is going to be longer because I have several shows that are my favorite! =]

I started watching this show when I moved to Alaska and I quickly became addicted. It's currently in it's 8th season, and has new cast members. Despite the cast change, I still love the show as much as I did the day I began watching it. I'm certainly hoping it will be around for quite a while longer!

 I started Gossip Girl when Eric left on the TDY before the one he is on now. It quickly became my "go to" show to watch when I had absolutely nothing to do and was in a miserable mood. I love everything about this show, especially Chuck. ;-)

The Vampire Diaries is only in it's second season, but it probably ranks up there as one of my most favorite shows ever. It is quite different from the series, but that is what I love about it (we can't forget Damon Salvatore either..haha!). Every week I am surprised by something new that happens on the show, or doesn't happen, or something that I just don't see coming at all! 

90210, is the remake of Beverly Hills 90210. While this isn't a show that I will stop anything in my life for, I still love it. The drama each week keeps me coming back time and time again for more!

I just recently got hooked on Bones. It's sort of like CSI, just with a forensic anthropology twist and isn't as redundant. The episodes are similar at all, much like they are with any of the CSI shows. I like Bones' (or Temperance Brennan's) inability to look at the world in an emotional sense and I like Boothe's ability to do just that. Once again, I've completely fallen in love with this show because of the characters behind it!

I don't think this one needs much explaining. I'm a theater geek, especially a musical theater geek; therefore, I am a Gleek. The talent these individuals bring to the table every week absolutely astounds me. Plus, I'm in love with the main character, Finn! =] Haha!

Last, but definitely not least, is LOST. I'm actually quite saddened that this show is no longer on television, but it had to come to an end at some point. This is probably the show that ranks up there as my most favorite show of ALL time! I loved the characters, the stories (although they were confusing 90% of the time), the mystery, the frustrations, etc. I think it's just safe to say that I loved everything about this show!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 2

Day 2: A picture of you and the person you've been closest to the longest.

This post is going to involve three different people: My husband, my mom, and my grandma.

My husband, Eric Wayne, is one of the most amazing people I know. We met in 2006 and have been pretty much inseparable ever since. He is so much more than my lover, he is my best friend, my better half, my soul mate, and my everything. Nobody else in this will world will have my heart like he does. I could never feel what I feel for Eric for another man. Nobody will ever take his place. I love you Eric Wayne. Forever and Ever. I promise. 

My mom! She has known me probably longer than anyone. Afterall, she did give birth to me! Haha. Anyway - she and I tend to butt heads a lot, but it doesn't mean I don't love her. I currently live approximately 4,000+ miles away from home, so I go years without seeing her. It stinks having her so far away, especially when Eric is away for the military. However, knowing she is just a phone call away helps a lot! I am really hoping she decides to come visit me for a week. It would be beyond awesome to have her visit in me in Alaska! Some mommy-daughter time is very much needed! =] 

My Grandma Price is one of my most favorite people! I can call her and talk to her about anything and I love that about our relationship. When I was younger, I used to get home from school and call her everyday! I don't talk to her as much these days, but that's mostly because of me living so far away and the 4 hour time difference between us! We do still talk a couple times a week (usually) and I still love our phone calls as much as ever!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 1

So, I've decided to take part in the 30 Day Challenge. Now, most people do this on facebook, but I decided to do it on my blog! I'm hoping it'll also help me pass time until Eric returns from this TDY and will kind of act like an inadvertent countdown. =] Enjoy!

DAY 1: A recent picture of you and 10 facts about yourself. Either here or on your own page.

This picture is one of the only recent pictures I have. I'm wearing my new sweater that I got for my birthday! I  cannot wait to grow my hair back out! 

Random Facts:

  1. I got married when I was 18 and don't regret it one bit!
  2. I'm married to my best friend and I grow to love him more and more everyday.j
  3. I have a problem with anxiety and I'm currently on medication for it.
  4. I'm pretty insecure about myself.
  5. Reading is one of my favorite ways to relax or "escape" from things that are going on in my life.
  6. I watch way too many television shows.
  7.  My best friend, Stephanie, and I have only met once. 
  8. I'm way too trusting, but I hope to change that.
  9. I've just recently taken up scrapbooking and I love it way more than I thought I possibly could.
  10. I never pictured having a second dog while we lived in Alaska, but I don't regret getting Kahlan whatsoever. She and Chevy are my pride and joy! =]

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Year, New Me

I know, I know, that title is so cliche, but for me, it's my New Year's Resolution and I mean it with all of my heart, soul, and mind. I am determined!

It's my new year's resolution for more than one area in my life. I'm going to work hardcore at getting in shape, I'm going to be more careful with the people I let become a part of my life and I'm going to let go of those who should no longer be in my life. I'm also going to work on being a better wife to my husband and succeeding even more than I already do at school.

First things first, this upcoming Monday, I'm starting to go back to the gym and I'm going to get my health back on track. I've been reading Jillian Michael's Making the Cut and it's given me perspective on how to succeed at my fitness and health goals. I'm going to have to follow a strict 30 day meal plan and an even stricter workout regimen. However, I have the faith that I can do it.

Later this week, I'm going to go through everything in our cabinets and fridge and get rid of all the nasty, processed food. I'm going to donate what I can to the Food Bank or another area donation program that accepts food. I may have to begin shopping at Wal-Mart, which may or may not be more expensive, but if spending more money to buy healthier foods is what it takes, then so be it. No amount of money can take the place of my health. I'm also cutting out the fast food and the sodas. Bring on the water!

I'm not saying that I want to be back to a size 3, I just want to get fit and actually have reasons to love my body. I'm not putting a weight number to my goal, because I've heard not to go with that mentality. So we'll see how it goes!

With that said, there's going to be another addition to my blog. I will be posting daily updates concerning my fitness adventure! So, I should be posting a lot more than I have been in the past few months!

As far as cutting out the people who shouldn't be in my life, well I think there's no explanation there for what that involves. I've been way too disappointed by people I've had in my life and I'm tired of being let down. I'm no longer going to give a crap what people think of me; they can love me or they can hate me, I don't really care which emotion they pick for me. I'm no longer going to try and please everyone because that's just not possible to do and I've learned that in the past few weeks, months, and year.

Lastly, being really careful of who I bring into my life is also a part of this big change. I'm not going to be the super trusting person that I've always been. I have this problem with trusting people almost immediately and all it's ever done is come back to bite me in my booty. Along with this new found sense of caution, I'm also going to start listening to my husband's opinion of people I bring into my life. He has been right every single freaking time and I can't believe I actually got upset with him one time because I believed differently. Eric's uncanny ability of knowing the true character of people is remarkable and after being correct 5 out of 5 times, I think it's time I finally start taking his opinion in this matter to heart.

In that way, I hope to become a better wife. After all, he could and probably will keep me from a lot of disappointment and heartache in the future!

Well, that's all for this update, I'll post another update tomorrow! =]


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's Been A While

Well, hello there Mr. Blog. I haven't seen you in quite a while! Yeah, that's just how super busy my semester was! I cannot tell you how much I was on the go. Taking five classes was absolutely nuts, but I survived. To make things more hectic, we got a new puppy in October. So a four week old puppy plus five college classes was even crazier. But, again, I survived. I passed the semester with four A's and one B; pretty successful if you ask me! I'm now on winter break and enjoying every minute of it! The semester starts for me again on January 18. I'm only taking three classes this semester, which is a break for me!

I have so much to write about, I'm sure there will several updates over the next few days.

Tonight, though, I want to focus on an old friend of mine. We were pretty close when we were teenagers. Actually, we were best friends and even dated at one point in time. We were inseparable for that short summer and I'll never forget it.

After we broke up, things were very different for us. Needless to say, our friendship was different. For the past five years we've communicated off and on, but definitely not like we would when we were young. When were younger we'd talk on the phone for hours and just have a great time. Tonight, though we have talked for more than a "hi" here or a "happy birthday" there. We talked about my husband and his girlfriend and how great our relationships were going  with each of them. Well, we just chatted about this or that and where life has taken each of us. It was extraordinarily nice; I didn't realize how much I missed it - missed our friendship. I care about him a ton and he will always been one of the best friends I have. I know that if I ever needed anything or anyone to lean on, I could go to him and I'm thankful for that. It's just been a really good night of friends catching up. It was a great way to end the evening!

I should definitely have another post tomorrow!
