Friday, August 6, 2010

Screw You!

I will never, ever live in military house ever again!!! Today was the final straw for me and somebody, somewhere on this military base better do something about these crappy people I live next door to!

Today, I get home from the commissary and I walk out to my car to get my groceries. Guess what I find? 30+ cigarette butts by my front door/car. Guess what? They're my neighbor's cigarettes too! So, I call housing because I'm quite tired of this.  I tell them I've put up with the yelling, screaming, fighting, slamming of doors, running up and down the stairs, and whatever other crap my neighbors, for a year. I cannot do it anymore. I can't do my homework in peace. I can't take a freaking shower in peace. It's just ridiculous. I tell them about the cigarette butts. Guess what? Housing can't do a thing about it. They said our best best would be to go to Eric's first shirt and get him involved. Yeah, only problem is, my husband works 12s, which means his first shirt probably works 12s to. Lovely. Plus, it would be a bunch of he said/she said crap and that's not crap I have time to deal with.

Is it really so hard for housing to be like "Look, you signed a contact stating that you would get along with your neighbors and be courteous, if you can't follow it, you'll be made to move off base?" Give them three effin strikes and then kick them off.

Ugh! I'm just so fed up with this bullcrap. I have had a mind to pack up my crap and find a place to live off base, even if it means I have to move twice within a year. 

I'll post again later with something much more happier than this. I just had to vent.


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