Monday, August 23, 2010

So Nervous

Tomorrow, bright and early, I have a colonoscopy. For the most part, at this point, I'm SO ready to get it over with. I haven't  been able to eat all day and I had to do the prep thingy. Let me just say that I would not wish that on anyway. I got a migraine from not being able to eat, using the bathroom every five minutes sucks, and dowing sixty-four ounces of gatorade mixed with nasty ol' miralax is utterly disgusting. After about the third glass, well, I didn't think I'd be able to get anythinge else down. I cannot imagine having to drink it with just water. Ew; today has not been fun.

I'm really nervous about the procedure. I don't really know what to expect. I've been told that I won't remember the procedure, but that I'll be in and out of consciousness during it. So, I'm wondering if, during the procedure, if I'll realize what's going on and then after I come off the medication, if I'll not remember it. Very intriguing to me, in a way, if you ask me. It's neat how that works.

Surprisingly, my anxiety hasn't been too bad concerning this. I think that's because of changes in my lifestyle. I'm so happy and thankful for that. I visited a church on Sunday down in Fairbanks and I absolutely loved it! I don't remember the last time I looked forward to going back to church. I don't remember the last time that I actually didn't want the preacher to stop preaching. Needless to say the preacher actually spoke on fears a bit and I believe this helped with my anxiety a ton. I wish I could find the words to better explain it, but as long as it makes sense to me, and helps, that's all that matters.

I will try to post an update to the colonoscopy tomorrow. Keep me in your prayers. Hopefully all goes well and nothing is wrong. =]


1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about you all day!!! I hope to hear you're doing well soon!

    Love you!
