Saturday, August 7, 2010


Tonight, I almost got killed by a Momma Moose. No. Joke.

I went over to my friend Alicia's house to hang out with her and Stephanie and watch Dear John. Well, at one point, Alicia's dog, Harley, started barking and going nuts. So Stephanie and I got up to go see what he was barking at. There were two baby moose and a momma moose not 50 feet away from us. Stephanie and I were going to go out on Alicia's front porch to get pictures, because, well, the moose were so close and right in the middle of a housing loop.

Harley got out the door. I have never panicked so much in my entire life. I knew I couldn't just stay in the house and watch Harley go after a big momma moose, especially a momma moose who would be extremely protective over her young! I could just imagine Momma Moose hurting Harley and killing him. So, Stephanie and I run out the door and down the steps to go get Harley and the next thing I know, Momma Moose is charging. I have never run so fast in my life. 

Stephanie and I finally made it up the steps and into Alicia's house and looked back and the moose was less than 30 feet away from us. Probably a lot closer than that. Had the moose REALLY wanted to get us, she would have had us in no time. As big and bulky as those suckers look, they can move rather fast! It's unbelievable at how fast they can move.

Anyway - when people say that pretty much anything can be accomplished when someone's adrenaline is pumping, I now believe it to be 110% true. I cannot tell you the way my body morphed when my adrenaline started going. While the circumstances were frightening, it surely was interesting to feel my adrenaline going through my body. It was definitely unreal and made me feel "alive." 

Just thought it was an interesting story and now, after the fact, it's kind of comical. Good think I love Alicia and her dog!



  1. I'm so glad you didn't get hurt! I do not doubt for a second that situation was frickin scary! Please don't go chasing moose again, I'd like to keep you around. Please, thank you! lol

  2. Did you get any pictures of this chaos? Glad you are ok dearest! -Ash

  3. Steph: Haha! Well, I just couldn't let Alicia's dog tiny, tiny dog go after this BIG giant momma moose! lol. I would have felt so horrible had Harley gotten hurt! =P

    Ashley: Haha! No I didn't get any pictures of it! I wish I had it on video! It was hysterical! Funnier than the time the Bison at the Anchorage zoo tried to ram me! =P
