Brief Synopsis:
Wuthering Heights is a gothic novel written by Emily Bronte. It primarily tells the ill-fated love story of childhood friends, Heathcliff and Catherine through the eyes of Ellen (Nelly) Dean, as recorded in Mr. Lockwood's diary. Mr. Lockwood is the present day occupant of Thrushcross Grange, which is owned by Heathcliff.
As a young orphan, Heathcliff comes to live at Wuthering Heights after being brought home by Catherine's father, Mr. Earnshaw. He continues living at Wuthering Heights throughout his childhood and teen years, despite the terrible treatment that ensues by Catherine's brother, Hindley, after the death of Mr. Earnshaw. As they grow from children to young adults, Catherine and Heathcliff fall passionately in love with one another . Unfortunately, because of societal views, their love is virtually forbidden. Thus, as a result of this circumstance, events ensue, causing Heathcliff to travel down a road marked with vengeance against Hindley and his son, Catherine, her husband, and daughter, as well as his own wife and son.
Personal Opinion of the Novel:
I thoroughly enjoyed Wuthering Heights, which came as no shock to me because I generally tend to enjoy classics. What is great about this novel is that the language is not particularly difficult to understand, thus I read through the novel pretty quickly. Emily Bronte tells an engrossing tale of love that has been denied by society of the era in which the story occurs. However, while this may sound very "Romeo and Juliet," the outcome is quite different. I recommend this book to anyone who loves a good gothic novel. It invokes suspense, betrayal, cruelty, love, death, and many other dramatic elements, which tend to engross audiences.
Next Novel:
The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Shadow Souls
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