Monday, February 13, 2012

30 Day Harry Potter Challenge - Day 1

Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a H.U.G.E. Harry Potter buff. No really, it's kind of sad how obsessed I am. I will spend hours rereading the books, rewatching the movies, or pinning Harry Potter pins on pinterest. If you looked up the definition of the ultimate Harry Potter fan, well my name would under be it. No joke. 

A few days ago I ran across a challenged on Pinterest called the 30 Day Harry Potter Challenge and today, I'm starting out on this adventure. Enjoy!

Day 1: Your Favorite of the 7 Books

I had a really tough time choosing this one because Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is also my favorite book. However, I ended up choosing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix because it is such a central book to the entire story of Harry Potter and his preparation in defeating Lord Voldemort. We learn the history of Harry's prophecy and perhaps my favorite part of the entire book was learning why Harry is "The Chosen One." I loved learning that Neville could have easily been "The Chosen One," and it taught me a great deal about friendship and bravery, even in the face of all consuming despair. It was one of the moments where I truly realized that JK Rowling is a pure genius of story telling and it is why I love her novels and the world of Harry Potter so much!

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