Well, for me anyway. My husband has a four day weekend. Actually, I take that back. He has a "fake" four day weekend because he has to go into work on Monday at 8 a.m on a holiday, no less. I hope he's not there all day because we were really excited for the long weekend. Darn you military and weekend duty. Grrrr! >:(
Anyway - I'm almost done with Wizard's First Rule. I have about 200 or so pages left to read and I'm sure I'll have it done sometime this weekend. Then I'll be taking a break and reading Deja Dead by Kathy Reichs.
I've also been meaning to update about my novel. Last week (I think) I wrote chapter outlines up until Chapter 22 and thought I actually had an ending for my novel. However, I felt it would be too short and not have much substance, so I went back a few chapter outlines and rewrote them, adding story lines here and there. When doing this, I realized that one of my main characters develops an alcohol problem. I'm anxious to see how this works out in the scheme of things.
I'm sad to say that I don't know how much time I'll have to actually sit down and write this summer. I ended up deciding to take two summer classes: Forensic Biology and Forensic Anthropology. Since this isn't a huge course load, I'm still hoping to get a bunch of my novel finished. I have to say that I've fallen completely in-love with one of the main characters. =]
I'm still not done with my next crocheting project and that's probably got a lot to do with the fact that I really don't have any TV shows on at the moment. I'm sure I'll find some to watch though. I do have all five season of LOST on dvd. Plus, I need to get started on my friend's baby gift! =]
Anyway - I'm going to head to to bed for now. I have a busy day planned for tomorrow. =]
that sucks that Eric has to work Monday! Boooooo! lol But that's exciting that you were able to work on your novel! Sounds like you're making some good progress! YAY! I'm sure you'll make time to write :-)