"And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." ♥ Sylvia Plath ♥
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Wizard's First Rule
So, I've finally finished the 800+ page book and I have to say that I'm officially hooked! Wizard's First Rule follows the story of Richard Cypher, a mere wood's guide who is about to have his life changed forever in the matter of a day. This sets Richard off, along with his friends Zedd, Chase, and Kahlan on an adventure that will chance them all in the matter of a couple of months.
Terry Goodkind's novel, the first in a series of 12, soon to be 13, is remarkable at telling this story of love, war, peace, betrayal, murder, revenge, magic, and probably any other descriptive term you could possibly ever think of concerning a novel. The characters themselves are very complex and the story lines are quite surprising at times. Although the novel starts out a bit slow, it soon catches your attention and leaves you sitting on the edge of your seat anxiously awaiting more. A fair warning though: there are at least three very intense scenes within the book; so, audience discretion is definitely advised. This isn't necessarily a book for young teens.
Perhaps my favorite part about the book itself, as a whole, is the love story that is woven into the war and evil. I believe this merely allows the readier to observe something hopeful during the "dark times" encountered in the book. In addition, the love story will make you love the characters all the more. I definitely cannot wait to begin reading the second novel.
Overall, Terry Goodkind is a fantastic author. He is very descriptive in his writing and this allows the reader to feel like he or she is actually within the book itself, alongside the characters and action. I highly recommend his work and this book. I'm sure the entire series will be just as great as well!
For now, however, I am going to take a short break from the series and read Elizabeth Gilbert's book, Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India, and Inodensia. It's the book we're reading for the Enlisted Spouse's Club book club! =]
Friday, May 28, 2010
The Weekend Is Here
Well, for me anyway. My husband has a four day weekend. Actually, I take that back. He has a "fake" four day weekend because he has to go into work on Monday at 8 a.m on a holiday, no less. I hope he's not there all day because we were really excited for the long weekend. Darn you military and weekend duty. Grrrr! >:(
Anyway - I'm almost done with Wizard's First Rule. I have about 200 or so pages left to read and I'm sure I'll have it done sometime this weekend. Then I'll be taking a break and reading Deja Dead by Kathy Reichs.
I've also been meaning to update about my novel. Last week (I think) I wrote chapter outlines up until Chapter 22 and thought I actually had an ending for my novel. However, I felt it would be too short and not have much substance, so I went back a few chapter outlines and rewrote them, adding story lines here and there. When doing this, I realized that one of my main characters develops an alcohol problem. I'm anxious to see how this works out in the scheme of things.
I'm sad to say that I don't know how much time I'll have to actually sit down and write this summer. I ended up deciding to take two summer classes: Forensic Biology and Forensic Anthropology. Since this isn't a huge course load, I'm still hoping to get a bunch of my novel finished. I have to say that I've fallen completely in-love with one of the main characters. =]
I'm still not done with my next crocheting project and that's probably got a lot to do with the fact that I really don't have any TV shows on at the moment. I'm sure I'll find some to watch though. I do have all five season of LOST on dvd. Plus, I need to get started on my friend's baby gift! =]
Anyway - I'm going to head to to bed for now. I have a busy day planned for tomorrow. =]
Anyway - I'm almost done with Wizard's First Rule. I have about 200 or so pages left to read and I'm sure I'll have it done sometime this weekend. Then I'll be taking a break and reading Deja Dead by Kathy Reichs.
I've also been meaning to update about my novel. Last week (I think) I wrote chapter outlines up until Chapter 22 and thought I actually had an ending for my novel. However, I felt it would be too short and not have much substance, so I went back a few chapter outlines and rewrote them, adding story lines here and there. When doing this, I realized that one of my main characters develops an alcohol problem. I'm anxious to see how this works out in the scheme of things.
I'm sad to say that I don't know how much time I'll have to actually sit down and write this summer. I ended up deciding to take two summer classes: Forensic Biology and Forensic Anthropology. Since this isn't a huge course load, I'm still hoping to get a bunch of my novel finished. I have to say that I've fallen completely in-love with one of the main characters. =]
I'm still not done with my next crocheting project and that's probably got a lot to do with the fact that I really don't have any TV shows on at the moment. I'm sure I'll find some to watch though. I do have all five season of LOST on dvd. Plus, I need to get started on my friend's baby gift! =]
Anyway - I'm going to head to to bed for now. I have a busy day planned for tomorrow. =]
Monday, May 24, 2010
I'm So Proud of Myself!!
This is will be a very quick update as it is currently 1:48 am and I'm super, super tired.
I finished my mom's crocheted tote bag today! It's not perfect, but I still really like it! It turned out really cute. Plus, it doesn't matter how perfectly made the gift is; it's the thought that always counts.
FYI: The edges of the tote are not completely straight, so I didn't take entire pictures of it. I doubt I will ever make this particular tote again, as it was frustrating and painful for my hands on numerous occasions.
But here is what the design looked liked. The purple and black are my mother's favorite colors.
Other updates on my crocheting are that I have completed the front and back of the tote I am making for myself. It is MUCH easier than the tote I made for my mom and much quicker to make. I am very excited to see how it turns out! =] I hope to be done with the pieces this week and have it all together by the end of the following week! =]
I finished my mom's crocheted tote bag today! It's not perfect, but I still really like it! It turned out really cute. Plus, it doesn't matter how perfectly made the gift is; it's the thought that always counts.
FYI: The edges of the tote are not completely straight, so I didn't take entire pictures of it. I doubt I will ever make this particular tote again, as it was frustrating and painful for my hands on numerous occasions.
But here is what the design looked liked. The purple and black are my mother's favorite colors.
Other updates on my crocheting are that I have completed the front and back of the tote I am making for myself. It is MUCH easier than the tote I made for my mom and much quicker to make. I am very excited to see how it turns out! =] I hope to be done with the pieces this week and have it all together by the end of the following week! =]
Thursday, May 20, 2010
So, I've got some pretty good news on several levels! =]
First off, I have completed the entire crocheting part to my mom's tote. To finish it, I just have to sew on the straps. =] I really enjoyed making it for my mom, but the reason it took me so long to make it is because it was difficult. So, at times it got really frustrating. =] I hope my mom likes it and hopefully, I'll be able to post pictures soon!
Other news in the crocheting department is that I've started my tote. It seems relatively much easier to make; so, hopefully putting all the pieces together won't be as frustrating.
I'm slowly making it through Wizard's First Rule. I think it's a great book, but I just haven't been in a reading mood. I'm sure it'll change soon once all my television shows go off for the summer. =]
I do have two summer classes starting on June 1st: Forensic Biology and Forensic Anthropology. Leave it to the television show Bones to inspire me to take a forensic anthropology class. haha. It's an awesome show, I highly recommend it.
I am sad to say that I haven't really written anymore of my novel. For some reason lately, I haven't really had the drive to write. I hope that comes back soon. =[
Lately, I've been going nuts here in Alaska. I feel like I don't fit in here, and it really just does suck sometimes. I haven't really made many strong, meaningful friendships and it's really made me hate this place. But, luckily, my husband, Eric, said that if my best friend (Steph) and I could work out a time for me to visit, then I was more than welcome to fly down and see her for a couple weeks. I really hope we can work something out because it's been two years since I've seen her and I really, really just want to hang out with my best friend. So, keep your fingers and toes crossed that something will work out for both Steph and I. =]
Until next time,
First off, I have completed the entire crocheting part to my mom's tote. To finish it, I just have to sew on the straps. =] I really enjoyed making it for my mom, but the reason it took me so long to make it is because it was difficult. So, at times it got really frustrating. =] I hope my mom likes it and hopefully, I'll be able to post pictures soon!
Other news in the crocheting department is that I've started my tote. It seems relatively much easier to make; so, hopefully putting all the pieces together won't be as frustrating.
I'm slowly making it through Wizard's First Rule. I think it's a great book, but I just haven't been in a reading mood. I'm sure it'll change soon once all my television shows go off for the summer. =]
I do have two summer classes starting on June 1st: Forensic Biology and Forensic Anthropology. Leave it to the television show Bones to inspire me to take a forensic anthropology class. haha. It's an awesome show, I highly recommend it.
I am sad to say that I haven't really written anymore of my novel. For some reason lately, I haven't really had the drive to write. I hope that comes back soon. =[
Lately, I've been going nuts here in Alaska. I feel like I don't fit in here, and it really just does suck sometimes. I haven't really made many strong, meaningful friendships and it's really made me hate this place. But, luckily, my husband, Eric, said that if my best friend (Steph) and I could work out a time for me to visit, then I was more than welcome to fly down and see her for a couple weeks. I really hope we can work something out because it's been two years since I've seen her and I really, really just want to hang out with my best friend. So, keep your fingers and toes crossed that something will work out for both Steph and I. =]
Until next time,
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wow, I'm a Slacker
It's been a while since I've posted! Shame on me!! But in all fairness, I've been really busy lately. Since my last post I've been in crazy mode. Last week I spent a TON of time working on my mother's day tote bag. I am almost done with it, but it is very difficult to make. As a result, I'm taking a break. I hope to have it done by next week.
I'm also about 150 to 200 pages into the book I started reading. Unfortunately, my busyness lately has prevented me from reading very much. Hopefully after this week, I can read more.
As far as my novel is concerned, I have about 11,000 words. I haven't worked on it much lately, but hopefully I will be able to soon. I also need to find more plots for the novel, as I'm only up to chapter 13. I'm sure once things calm down my brain can get into creativity/planning mode.
This past weekend Eric and I worked on getting his motorcycle ready for the summer and thankfully, after a very long weekend, it is ready. =] He is free to ride now, but still has to take an experienced rider course soon. It is going to be very nice to be able to take bike rides on the weekends now; something new to do in Alaska. I can't wait for this weekend because we're supposed o go on a breakfast date and then ride the bike up to Chena Hot Springs. I really hope rain doesn't interfere.
I also started a 1,000 piece puzzle and that is challenging on a whole different level. But, I find it extremely fun and relaxing in a way; weird, I know.
Another exciting thing is that I also bought a nice big computer desk. I've needed a decent sized one for quite some time and finally buckled down and bought it. I put it together today and I can't wait to use it once school starts up again.
Well, I suppose that's all for now. I hope I have some updates for you guys tomorrow! =]
I'm also about 150 to 200 pages into the book I started reading. Unfortunately, my busyness lately has prevented me from reading very much. Hopefully after this week, I can read more.
As far as my novel is concerned, I have about 11,000 words. I haven't worked on it much lately, but hopefully I will be able to soon. I also need to find more plots for the novel, as I'm only up to chapter 13. I'm sure once things calm down my brain can get into creativity/planning mode.
This past weekend Eric and I worked on getting his motorcycle ready for the summer and thankfully, after a very long weekend, it is ready. =] He is free to ride now, but still has to take an experienced rider course soon. It is going to be very nice to be able to take bike rides on the weekends now; something new to do in Alaska. I can't wait for this weekend because we're supposed o go on a breakfast date and then ride the bike up to Chena Hot Springs. I really hope rain doesn't interfere.
I also started a 1,000 piece puzzle and that is challenging on a whole different level. But, I find it extremely fun and relaxing in a way; weird, I know.
Another exciting thing is that I also bought a nice big computer desk. I've needed a decent sized one for quite some time and finally buckled down and bought it. I put it together today and I can't wait to use it once school starts up again.
Well, I suppose that's all for now. I hope I have some updates for you guys tomorrow! =]
Monday, May 3, 2010
The Vampire Diaries The Return: Shadow Souls
Brief Synopsis:
The Vampire Diaries The Return: Shadow Souls the second novel in The Return triology by L.J. Smith. The book is also the sixth novel in the entire Vampire Diaries Series, which is an entire young adult vampire horror series.
In this book, Elena Gilbert finds herself traveling with Damon and her two friends, Bonnie and Meredith, to the Dark Dimension, where her supposed love, Stefan, is being held captive. Stefan is Damon's brother. Pretty soon, Elena finds herself stuck in a love-triangle while trying to rescue her beloved. Elena's adventures also see her encountering deadly demons, vampires, and kitsune in the search for Stefan and his impending rescue. Will Elena, Damon, Bonnie, Meredith, and Stefan return to Fell's Church? Will Elena choose Stefan or Damon?
Overall, as usual, I loved this book. It is an easy read, however the stories are intriguing and keeps the audience on the edge of the seat. The love triangle also keeps the audience reaching for more and more. The book incorporates elements of sexual tension, suspense, deceit, power, and scandals and mystery. The series is definitely a must read!
Next Novel:
I will be starting Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth Series. The first novel in the series is Wizard's First Rule.
The Vampire Diaries The Return: Shadow Souls the second novel in The Return triology by L.J. Smith. The book is also the sixth novel in the entire Vampire Diaries Series, which is an entire young adult vampire horror series.
In this book, Elena Gilbert finds herself traveling with Damon and her two friends, Bonnie and Meredith, to the Dark Dimension, where her supposed love, Stefan, is being held captive. Stefan is Damon's brother. Pretty soon, Elena finds herself stuck in a love-triangle while trying to rescue her beloved. Elena's adventures also see her encountering deadly demons, vampires, and kitsune in the search for Stefan and his impending rescue. Will Elena, Damon, Bonnie, Meredith, and Stefan return to Fell's Church? Will Elena choose Stefan or Damon?
Overall, as usual, I loved this book. It is an easy read, however the stories are intriguing and keeps the audience on the edge of the seat. The love triangle also keeps the audience reaching for more and more. The book incorporates elements of sexual tension, suspense, deceit, power, and scandals and mystery. The series is definitely a must read!
Next Novel:
I will be starting Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth Series. The first novel in the series is Wizard's First Rule.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Exciting News
I've successfully written two chapters of my novel. =] I'm really excited about where it's going. Also, I've just finished creating story plots through chapter five! I'll probably spend the rest of the weekend creating web outlines for more chapters! I am contemplating on whether or not to share a short snippet from chapters I've already written or upcoming chapters that I may write here shortly. So, we shall see.
Also, this weekend I'll be starting a new crocheting project. I plan on making a carrying tote for my mom for mother's day. It will be a little late, but I couldn't figure out what else to get for her, so I thought of this last minute. I'm excited to see how it turns out.
I'm almost done with The Vampire Diaries roughly 130 pages left to read, which I will hopefully get done with this weekend as well.
On a side note: today I was struck with the urge to listen to the soundtrack to Broadway Musical Wicked, which is based off Gregory Maguire's novel, Wicked: The Life and Time's of the Wicked Witch of the West. Gregory Maguire's novel is an adaptation of L. Frank Baum's original novel, The Wizard of Oz. Gregory Maguire's version of the story tells, in my opinion, a much better version of the tale of the Witches of Oz than L. Frank Baum's version. Of course this made me desperately miss NYC and made me really want to go see Wicked again.
Anyway - I thought I'd share one of the most influential songs, for me anyway, of the broadway musical. It's called For Good and it is performed by Glinda (Kristin Chenoweth), who, in L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz, becomes The Good Witch of the North and Elphaba (Idina Menzel), who, in L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz, becomes The Wicked Witch of the West. These two form an unlikely friendship that is not captured in L. Frank Baum's original tale.
It is one of my favorite songs because it personally hits home to me. Not only does my best friend live thousands of miles away from me, but I also encounter many military wives, who become my friend and, then, after a couple years we are forced to part; which is very similar to what happens to Glinda and Elphaba in Wicked.
FYI: The bolded parts are parts of the song that especially "speak" to me. Also, I suggest looking up the song on YouTube to hear it being sung by Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel, because it becomes especially moving when hearing it performed. So, without further adieu:
Also, this weekend I'll be starting a new crocheting project. I plan on making a carrying tote for my mom for mother's day. It will be a little late, but I couldn't figure out what else to get for her, so I thought of this last minute. I'm excited to see how it turns out.
I'm almost done with The Vampire Diaries roughly 130 pages left to read, which I will hopefully get done with this weekend as well.
On a side note: today I was struck with the urge to listen to the soundtrack to Broadway Musical Wicked, which is based off Gregory Maguire's novel, Wicked: The Life and Time's of the Wicked Witch of the West. Gregory Maguire's novel is an adaptation of L. Frank Baum's original novel, The Wizard of Oz. Gregory Maguire's version of the story tells, in my opinion, a much better version of the tale of the Witches of Oz than L. Frank Baum's version. Of course this made me desperately miss NYC and made me really want to go see Wicked again.
Anyway - I thought I'd share one of the most influential songs, for me anyway, of the broadway musical. It's called For Good and it is performed by Glinda (Kristin Chenoweth), who, in L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz, becomes The Good Witch of the North and Elphaba (Idina Menzel), who, in L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz, becomes The Wicked Witch of the West. These two form an unlikely friendship that is not captured in L. Frank Baum's original tale.
It is one of my favorite songs because it personally hits home to me. Not only does my best friend live thousands of miles away from me, but I also encounter many military wives, who become my friend and, then, after a couple years we are forced to part; which is very similar to what happens to Glinda and Elphaba in Wicked.
FYI: The bolded parts are parts of the song that especially "speak" to me. Also, I suggest looking up the song on YouTube to hear it being sung by Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel, because it becomes especially moving when hearing it performed. So, without further adieu:
(Elphaba) I'm limited
Just look at me - I'm limited
And just look at you
You can do all I couldn't do, Glinda
So now it's up to you
For both of us - now it's up to you...
(Glinda) I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you
Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed for good
(Elphaba) It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend...
Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
(Glinda) Because I knew you
(Both) I have been changed for good
(Elphaba) And just to clear the air
I ask forgiveness
For the thing I've done you blame me for
(Glinda) But then, I guess we know
There's blame to share
(Both) And none of it seems to matter anymore
(Glinda) Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
(Elphaba) Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a bird in the wood
(Both) Who can say if I've been
Changed for the better?
I do believe I have been
Changed for the better
(Glinda) And because I knew you...
(Elphaba) Because I knew you...
(Both) Because I knew you...
I have been changed for good.
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